About Me

Hi, I’m Heidi. I’m based in Bath, Somerset.

I work with children and families who are struggling with their emotional and mental well-being. Through 1:1 sessions or workshops with children and parents, I help give them tools and strategies to cope better with the challenges they are facing like anxiety, phobias, depression, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, exam stress, and more.

I discovered NLP through personal experience. I have several friends whose children struggled with extreme anxiety; they found NLP extremely helpful in dealing with the problems they faced together, and a family member used NLP to entirely cure a phobia.

I’ve always been interested in psychology and emotional health; with such positive and remarkable experiences amongst friends and family and a desire for a career change that would be more fulfilling, I was inspired to embark upon training in NLP.


“NLP gave me the support for my child I was searching for but couldn’t find anywhere else.”


As a parent myself I could see how effective NLP could be for children. My own experience made it clear how children could greatly benefit from better tools to help them process and overcome emotional challenges. NLP can help put children back in a positive mindset, build their confidence and empower them to take control of their thoughts and feelings.

What especially appealed to me about NLP was how solution-focused it is. This is so appropriate for children; there is no need to spend time dwelling on past trauma. Each session is client-led and tailored to exactly meet the individual’s needs, offering kids practical skills, tools, and techniques to help overcome challenges, with clear directions that the client can use right away to start making changes. I also loved that NLP skills are long-lasting as kids can use the methods to deal with any emotional challenge life inevitably throws at them.

On a personal level, NLP gave me the support for my child I was searching for but couldn’t find anywhere else. I am now a qualified NLP Practitioner and NLP4Kids and NLP4Parents Practitioner so I can share these tools with others.

These skills can help anybody, children and parents alike, and you don’t have to be ‘broken’ to benefit from NLP – it can improve anyone’s life at any time in a quick and cost-effective way.



I offer online and face-to-face sessions.
Please click to book a call and find out how I can help.